Saturday, 12 September 2009

My Troubles on the Road

Since the past 2 months that i met with an accident, fear has firmly gripped my heart while i am riding on the road. These days i just dont like to ride myself, but dont have other way to get around easily. The other day i opted to sit pillion in my friend's bike. I was praying to him to slow down, though he was riding within his abilities. Poor guy, he had to ride unreasonably slow to keep me happy and comforted.

One nasty accident has put great amount of fear in me. While, right after the accident and during the accident, i showed great strength, presence of mind and also averted much injury to me. But, the fear has been gripping me firmly over a period of time. Earlier, my wife used to complain that i drive rash. But last time i was with her, she felt i had improved my driving, meaning i am lot slower these days.

Actually i am unreasonably fearsome these days, a fact which i am quite ashamed to admit. I shudder sitting in any vehicle which is driven rashly, whether its bus, car or bike. I am trying hard to come out of this phase. Thats also the reason i am consciously riding more on the road. When one runs away from our enemy, there is every possibility of the enemy following us. So i am trying to face it head-on. I hate being a coward, anywhere and everywhere. The results are showing slowly, my grit is taking me on the path of victory of mind. With god's support, my fears should subside to acceptable limits.

Until then, let me always hit the road on the slightest excuse and hope to drive the unwelcome monster out of my heart.

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